Saturday, May 18, 2013

No New Videos

I've still been jumping lately but haven't been getting any good dunks down. Past 2 weeks I haven't gotten any decent dunks down off the lob. I'm still dunking off 1 foot but not getting anything off the lob. I don't know why this is the case but maybe I'll start getting some good one's down soon. I feel like I'm jumping high enough to dunk but I'm just now catching the lobs clean. I guess if I could just jump higher catching the ball and dunking wouldn't be so hard. Need to jump higher like @stevendunks does. Hopefully I just keep jumping several times a week I'll keep getting better and higher. Good luck to all the jumpers/dunkers out there.

Monday, May 6, 2013

First Dunks of May

Here are my first dunks for the month of May. I started making videos at the first of April so it's been about a month since I started. I can see and feel improvement especially in my lob off of 2 feet. I could barely get it before and now I'm getting it pretty good. Hope to keep improving all the time.