Saturday, September 15, 2012

First Goal.....Complete!!!

Ok so I have not been doing any jump manual at all. All I have been doing is lower body lifting and jumping dunking 9'6 and 9'10 trying to get higher at all times and dunk it even harder!! I also drink a whey power protein shake after lifting and jumping nearly every day. So everyone knows my goal has been to dunk 1 hand by September 17 which would be Monday. I went to the gym a little bit ago with a friend to see what I could do really not expecting much. I tried dunking many times and failed many times often boucing the ball off the back rim. Finally I got it for the first time but no vidoe!!!!!! So my friend grabbed the phone and I tried about 3 more times and failed before getting this one on video!! So I finally accomplished the goal of dunking with one hand and I did it before my set goal date. Just got to get even higher now where I can dunk it harder and more consistent!!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week Recap

Well this week I really did not do any jump manual like I had planned. I just can not seem to motivate myself to do it after school because usually I have homework and I am tired. I am going to try and get a little weight lifting in a day a week and also just jump and try dunks. On Tuesday I went to the gym and I did squats, calf raises, and ham curls. Those were the lifts I thought would benefit me the most and I wanted to have time to shoot some hoop in the gym before I had to leave. I also jumped yesterday and dunked 9'6 left handed pretty hard which I have never done and also got it with 2 hands pretty hard. I made several attempts on 10'1/2" and ALMOST got it down twice but just could not get it. Maybe this week I will get it down for the first time!

Monday, September 3, 2012

New JM schedule for start of week 9

I took last week off from the JM to see how the school workouts would be. At school we are lifting the core lifs (power clean, squat, incline, bench) twice a week. On Tuesday we do each lift at 6 sets of 4 and on Thursday we do each lift but at 6 sets of 2. I am planning on doing the strength and explosion workouts after school on Tuesday that way I can have Wednesday off. Thursday I will do off day exercise and Friday I will do core and upper body. Saturday I will do the plyometrics, Sunday core and upper and Monday off day exercise. I think this schedule will be easiest for me to follow for now anyways. I am going to try and stick with this schedule until about a week before Thanksgiving when basketball starts. I have completely dropped the goal of dunking with 2 hands as it will be impossible to do before basketball season starts and I have to quit workouts. I just hope I can get it with one hand and a little force before basketball season. At least I could dunk in pre game then!!  I should have started with the plyo workout on Saturday to start week 9 but I am going to start week 9 tomorrow with the weight lifting. I am pretty busy with school and everything but I am going to try and stick with it and hopefully have a video put up this next week. Good luck training to all!!!