Wednesday, July 25, 2012

End of week 3

Sorry I am late posting as week 3 ended on Monday. I was hoping to get video in the gym but ended up playing 3 hours of basketball games instead. I got all workouts in except one set of off day exercises. Still have not really seen any increases in any of my vertical jumps. I know I am getting plenty of rest and I only jump when my legs are feeling good and warmed up. Not sure what is going on there. Like I said in my last post I am going to start doing squats. I plan on doing the first 4 sets of 8 on the squat and doing the 5th set (burnout set) on the leg press machine. I did get some video on Sunday but nothing great. I have a portable goal off the road a few feet and there is a drop off from the pavement of about 2" so I have to jump a little early to avoid a twisted ankle. You can really tell on my 2 foot running vertical how I have to jump far out and then reach out to grab rim. Anyways comment away with any tips or advice!!!

Based on this video stats are as follows:
Standing vertical: 26.5"
one step vertical: 28"
Running vertical off 2 feet: 29"
Did not test running vertical off 1 foot, I felt weak jumping off one foot for some reason...


  1. I definitely think squats will make a difference. Keep workin hard the results will come. Sometimes the gains don't come as fast as you want (believe me I know!)

    1. Finished up week 4 but missed the weight workout due to soreness. Jumped a lot today and grabbed rim with 2 hands for the first time off 2 feet. My one leg jumping feels so weak now!! Im jumping a few inches lower off 1 foot than I was before I started the program. Still going to keep at it for now and see what happens. Thanks for the encouragement man!!
