Friday, August 17, 2012

End of week 7 -_-

Well week 7 is basically done with. Lets just say it was basically a whole week off for me. I was too sore to do the plyo workout on Monday. I did do the core and upperbody workout on Wednesday and planned on going to the gym today to do the weights but they had the gym closed due to waxing the floors. I usually test my vertical jumps on Monday so I did not get to test week 6 because the floors being waxed all this week. I may get to go to the gym this coming Monday and test my verticals for end of week 7. So lets just say this week was a week of rest. I did jump some on Tuesday and Wednesday night but my shin started hurting pretty bad. My goal of dunking by my birthday which is Monday is not looking too bright. I did get video of me dunking 9'10 again. A friend of mine threw the ball up in the air and I dunked it off his alley oop but not on video. Sorry about the video angle. I was alone and had to put my phone on the ground to record. Lets pray that week 8 will be a magical week and for the first time I will gain 1" in one week.


  1. I got higher the last time I dunked 9'10 about 2 weeks ago. Not sure if you saw that video but it is down a little lower on my blog. I get shin splints bad so I can only jump 5-8 times before I need to stop. Hope to get 10' soon but I don't know how long it will take.
